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I've finally decided on 4th grade!


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After much praying, hemming, hawing, researching, questioning (as some of you know), and discussing it with dh, we're going with My Father's World!!!!


I'm really excited about this! I'll do ECC with my eldest, and I purchased MFW K for my youngest. I really think this is where we are supposed to be heading. I've already spent some time scouring the MFW forums - there are some fantastic ideas there!


So... here's the plan :D


4th grade



AAS 4 & 5

R&S English 4

Singapore 4A/4B

*Still thinking about what to choose for Latin...


Already I feel relieved that most of it is planned for me, and the other choices I have we've been using since 1st so it's a breeze for me to plan them! The Latin choice is still very much up in the air as I definitely need to research it more.


Yippeeee!!! I'm WAY ahead of schedule!!! :D Did I mention that I am excited? :lol:

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