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How to decide which school??

Kim in Appalachia

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I just need to hear other's thoughts. We have some time yet in making this decision, but my dd needs to decide between 2 schools. One is Carson-Newman the other is ETSU. My dd plans to major in music education vocal/keyboarding (piano being her main instrument).


She likes both schools. Originally, she was leaning towards ETSU because she likes the campus and location. She also liked the look and feel of the school. The music program does seem good and was even spoken well of by the people at CN. It is not a huge program, just a little bigger than CN's. Overall, the school is much larger. It also has a good church nearby (one in our denomination).


But she also really likes Carson-Newman. The program is small and personal. The music department seems amazing. It seems (but we could be wrong) like she will be pushed more musically at CN. It also has the advantage that I know they will transfer all of her credits that she has taken at a local University (private), there is no guarantee the the state school will (they are saying they will, but they don't have to, since the University is out of state). The music and education part are better integrated at CN as well. This school does not have a church (in our denomination nearby, and we are not Baptist, which the school is)


The downside to CN is the cost. It will cost around $3,000 more to send dd there. Both schools are the same when it comes to cost of living, and we know we can cover that expense. The extra $3,000 will be a stretch, a big stretch. We told her that if she went there she would have to kick in some of that money. The problem is that she also needs to save money for a car. Student teaching will come up fast and she needs a car. We can't provide that too.


The decision really lies with dd. It will be her choice. I was curious if anyone had any words of wisdom or advice, or maybe personal knowledge of either program to help me help her.

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Thanks. Yes, the cost I am looking at is after their financial aid package. They did give a generous package, so I'm not complaining about their end. It still just cost a little bit more than the state school.


Even if you already have the aid package it is not an unreasonable thing if it ends up being her first choice to go back and say "I really prefer this college but financially it is a bigger stretch than my other option and I'm wondering if there any additional scholarships I might qualify for." The answer might be no but especially at private colleges there are sometimes additional discretionary funds particularly to attract students they really want. It is okay to ask and the sooner the better. Just for what it is worth, feel free to disregard if you've already gone this route or it doesn't work for your daughter.

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Even if you already have the aid package it is not an unreasonable thing if it ends up being her first choice to go back and say "I really prefer this college but financially it is a bigger stretch than my other option and I'm wondering if there any additional scholarships I might qualify for." The answer might be no but especially at private colleges there are sometimes additional discretionary funds particularly to attract students they really want. It is okay to ask and the sooner the better. Just for what it is worth, feel free to disregard if you've already gone this route or it doesn't work for your daughter.


:iagree: If C-N ends up being your dd's first choice, it would definitely be worth it for her to write the FA office a letter and tell them that she really loves the school, but she has a slightly less expensive offer from ETSU. She should ask if there is any way they can increase their offer or perhaps there is a scholarship that she could apply for. It will probably take you & your dd an afternoon to compose the letter, and they might end up saying no, but at least you've given it a try. Even if they only increase their offer slightly, that's still a big payoff for an afternoon's work.


Also, if your dd doesn't already have a summer job lined up, now is the time to start looking before the college kids are home on spring break.


As far as choosing a school, could she do an overnight visit at each? If that's not possible, could she arrange to attend a class or to meet & talk to one of the music profs so she can get a better feel for what each department is like?


Good Luck,


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More money could come in the form of a campus job as well. If she is a music person she could offer lessons and tutoring to supplement income while she's at school. She could join a rock band and play gigs like I did for a year....fun, free pizza and beer, and some spending money. Most schools offer really good tuition payment plans that are handy when being a little short of ready cash.

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She is planning on working. She'll most likely life guard at either school. And she is going to life guard at the water park this summer. It pays a bit more than the other campus jobs, and she likes being around the pool (she's a swimmer. :) )


She can earn the money. The issue is whether that money will go towards a car (which she needs) or school. The choice is hard. It's made harder by the fact that there are pluses to both schools and no huge minuses to either.

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