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reading curriculum?


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SIGH - its only been three days (about 6 practice days before that) but although I love Bob Jones for English and Spelling, I'm really not loving the reading curriculum for my 7 y.o. (we're in BJU2). It doesn't seem to be a good fit and I don't want to spend money on the 3rd grade readers he probably needs. Is there any reason why I shouldn't just scrap it for now? We're reading out of the readers because they are grade 2 level, but the workbook seems to be a waste of time... and honestly I want to scrap the readers too and have him just read what he wants. He needs accountability so I'm still making him read aloud because he has a tendency to skim. His reading comprehension skills are weak if it he's not interested in what he's reading. Bob Jones has some phonics written into it... how important is that? I don't want him struggling either because I didn't give him a good foundation. I had him read the last couple chapters of the grade 2 program and he did fine. Thoughts?


Today he chose to read Gruffalo and he's filling out a reader response form I printed off the internet. I want to say he's at about a 3rd grade level for reading. I don't really know how to evaluate that sort of thing. He can fly through most I Can Read Books (the classic ones like Frog and Toad and Little Bear) and can read beginner chapter books. Geronimo Stilton is doable but challenging.

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I scrapped the TM when doing reading. After a while you just know what questions to ask. I did however make dd read the readers, sometimes aloud, sometimes to herself, then ask a few questions or have her tell me the key points in the story. I also had her do independent reading later in the day...this was books she picked herself.

BJU workbooks are, in my opinion, extras. The main lessons come from the teachers manuals in the other subjects. For reading, the work pages get monotonous and are really just regurgitating info. The back page, at that level and I think grade 3, is mostly phonics review.

One thing you can do with the workbook is every few weeks do the Literary skill day in the workbooks. These are very useful in getting literary skills met.

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I may be in my own camp, but here's my thinking about reading. I teach grammar, phonics/spelling and writing. But for reading, I just let them read. I don't make them answer questions about what they read. Usually they'll want to tell me all about their story or what they've learned and I think that's much more effective than workbooks. I just give them a specific amount of time that they have to read and let them go. If it's during school time, I may stipulate that it has to be a "learning" book, so they don't spend all their time reading fiction. This has worked REALLY well for us, and they've all tested fantastically on reading comprehension for standardized testing.

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BTW, I did use BJU for one year and didn't care for it either, although my kids LOVED the readers. They're still sitting on our bookshelf for the younger kids to read. The other thing I never liked about workbooks is that my kids would want to read the readers in their entirety during the first week or two of school, and then you've got this workbook that's supposed to take all year to complete!

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I may be in my own camp, but here's my thinking about reading. I teach grammar, phonics/spelling and writing. But for reading, I just let them read. I don't make them answer questions about what they read. Usually they'll want to tell me all about their story or what they've learned and I think that's much more effective than workbooks. I just give them a specific amount of time that they have to read and let them go. If it's during school time, I may stipulate that it has to be a "learning" book, so they don't spend all their time reading fiction. This has worked REALLY well for us, and they've all tested fantastically on reading comprehension for standardized testing.

:iagree: Once reading has clicked for your child, the best way for him to improve is just to read. The leveled basal reader isn't necessary. I wouldn't use one unless my kids just loved the stories and answering questions or if I was doubting my ability to provide interesting things to read.

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Thanks for the advice.


He just took the reading test that's free on mindplay.com It showed that he has an independent reading level of grade 3 and and instructional for grade 4. It also pinpointed a few weaker areas in in phonics. I think I might just review these with Ordinary Parents Guide to Teaching Reading.


I know he still has a lot of weaknesses, but he's progressing at a regular pace through Bob Jones 2nd grade English and Spelling so I'm hoping those will fill in any other holes.

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Someone here mentioned them last summer and I found them on Amazon. We really enjoy them and they have excellent reading selections. Aesop, Tolstoy, James Whitcomb Riley etc. There are 3-5 questions at the end of each story that I ask him for comprehension. They are not quite enough for an entire year, so I have him read a few "real" books to round out the year.

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Someone here mentioned them last summer and I found them on Amazon. We really enjoy them and they have excellent reading selections. Aesop, Tolstoy, James Whitcomb Riley etc. There are 3-5 questions at the end of each story that I ask him for comprehension. They are not quite enough for an entire year, so I have him read a few "real" books to round out the year.



Thanks I'll look into these.

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