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MFW - 4th and K - tell me about this...


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I'm really trying to make my life easier. I will have a 4th grader and a K'er in the fall. I want to try to combine the boys as much as possible, while still realizing that my K'er will need to do a K-level program for reading & math.


We've never used MFW before, but I do like what I'm seeing online, and many here seem to enjoy it. I think it may be what I need since I'm tired of planning all of the subjects. We've been following TWTM pretty closely for the past 3 years. I would still maintain WWE, AAS, and R&S for Language Arts as well as Singapore for math. It looks like MFW would cover everything else for me.


I'm thinking I would do ECC with the boys (focusing more on my 4th grader) and possibly do their K program with my youngest. Should I skip the MFW K program and just do something like Phonics Pathways and Singapore Essentials instead of a whole K program since my youngest could join us for ECC? Again, I want as easy and streamlined as possible.


Why do you like MFW? Has it made your life easier? Why do your kids love it?


I'm worried about falling behind due to a bad day, etc. Is it easy to pick up where you left off since everything is planned weekly?


If you used MFW in the past, but have left it, why?


I'm looking for all pros and cons.

Edited by jenL
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Bumping for you again!


I'm going to be starting MFW K in just a few weeks....we are getting the new updated version they just put out. I understand why you'd want to bypass the K curriculum, though, so you can streamline things. Maybe call the company, and discuss your particular situation? I've found them to be very helpful.

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In your situation, I would still use MFW K. It's a really fun and educational curriculum, and it does not take a huge chunk out of the day. I am currently using it with my K, and we probably spend about 30-45 minutes a day on it. ECC is too advanced for a K, although he still may enjoy bits and pieces of it.


Unfortunately, I am not using MFW with my older students anymore, because our church started a TOG co-op. We felt led to join it, and it's been a great experience, but MFW is still my favorite. If we ever drop the co-op, we will certainly go back to MFW.

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I'm on my third time through MFW K. I really like the Bible/science tie-in. We have a lot of fun reading, learning, and doing crafts without feeling overwhelmed by a too-packed curriculum. If I were in your place, I'd do ECC and MFW K. As a PP said, I don't think your little one would be overly interested in ECC (disclosure: I haven't done that program, just read through the samples repeatedly) and the K program really is short and simple (second disclosure: I've never used the reading portion of it so I'm talking about the other parts :001_smile:).



Overall, I liked MFW but moved to Tapestry of Grace after doing MFW K and Adventures because it seemed easier to keep my dc together with TOG and TOG did seem to have more meat to it. I think MFW has plenty, but I like overkill. :D

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I'm really trying to make my life easier. I will have a 4th grader and a K'er in the fall. I want to try to combine the boys as much as possible, while still realizing that my K'er will need to do a K-level program for reading & math.


We've never used MFW before, but I do like what I'm seeing online, and many here seem to enjoy it. I think it may be what I need since I'm tired of planning all of the subjects. We've been following TWTM pretty closely for the past 3 years. I would still maintain WWE, AAS, and R&S for Language Arts as well as Singapore for math. It looks like MFW would cover everything else for me.


I'm thinking I would do ECC with the boys (focusing more on my 4th grader) and possibly do their K program with my youngest. Should I skip the MFW K program and just do something like Phonics Pathways and Singapore Essentials instead of a whole K program since my youngest could join us for ECC? Again, I want as easy and streamlined as possible.


Why do you like MFW? Has it made your life easier? Why do your kids love it?


I'm worried about falling behind due to a bad day, etc. Is it easy to pick up where you left off since everything is planned weekly?


If you used MFW in the past, but have left it, why?


I'm looking for all pros and cons.


We are on our 4th year with MFW. We do plan to switch to HOD this fall. MFW is an awesome program, but I need to switch for our family at this time. If HOD doesn't work for us (which I think it will perfectly), we'll be back to MFW though. :)


I think the K has been my favorite so far. It is a very gentle program but very very effective. I would totally advise you not to skip it! It doesn't take that long plus it's sweet time together on the couch with your little sweetie. Really, ECC won't take all that long with your one 4th grader either. What I do is start my 2 olders on school and once they get to independent work, I do work with my K'er.

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We are on our 4th year with MFW. We do plan to switch to HOD this fall. MFW is an awesome program, but I need to switch for our family at this time. If HOD doesn't work for us (which I think it will perfectly), we'll be back to MFW though. :)



Melissa, may I ask why you feel HOD will be better? I'm exploring all options, so I'd love to hear your thoughts since I've looked at HOD as well.

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Melissa, may I ask why you feel HOD will be better? I'm exploring all options, so I'd love to hear your thoughts since I've looked at HOD as well.


Well, I've been considering and praying about this for at least a year now. :tongue_smilie: I finally feel certain God is leading us to HOD. Every year with MFW I have felt we were missing something. I know it a sweet program and works for many, but for me and my personality and my style, it's not meshing well. Every year I kept telling myself, just one more year, because in these early years...K-ECC I think every year is just so different than the one before it. But, I think it's finally time for us to try a different approach. I'm sure people who love MFW could have a way to try and tweak every little issue I have with it to make it work better for us, but honestly, I don't want to try anymore. I want to try something else.


I am hesitant to post my reasons since I'm not good with words and at the moment I am so tired I can't think straight! My ds was up from midnight to about 4 last night. :001_huh:


So, for us, we liked the 1st but it was very black & white and plain. However, It definitely got the job done! I did love the Bible Notebook and we have two children who've done that and it will be a treasure to keep forever.


Adventures wasn't the big hit here like I hoped it would be either. My daughter tired quickly of the state sheets. We did however love all the read-alouds and science books.


ECC has not gone over too well this year either. I have not been a fan of the POE at all. We have basically ditched that book. We are loving Hero Tales and the Living World Encyclopedia. Combining isn't working well for us like I had thought it would...at this time...for us. We have also ditched almost all of the student sheets. They love the John 3:16 pages and the flag page but none of the other workbook pages (they are basically over their heads). We have not really enjoyed Global Art because I haven't been able to find all of the resources needed.


I am also finding I think the weekly grid format is choking to me. I like the daily layout in the HOD guides...totally a personality issue. :D


I think ECC can be a great program and very successful with the right amount of preparation by mom...but I just can't do that right now.


It is very sad for me to think about stepping away from MFW, but I need to do it. I need to try something else. It may be a kick in the pants showing me I need to do more or it may be just what we need in that another program just plain works better for us.


I wish you the best in your search! I know how frustrating it can be trying to figure out which program to use!


I hope my ramblings made some sense.

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Melissa, thank you for your honesty! I am worried about the weekly grid format, so I understand how you find it choking. I have been praying over this as well, and I feel like God may be leading us to MFW, so I understand that too. I wish someone who knows my personality and my kids' personalities could land on my doorstep bearing curriculum and a note that says, This is exactly what you need. Do it and enjoy! Far-fetched, I know! :D


Leslie, thank you for your link... I'm off to explore their site again...

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