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Can we have a testing thread? CAT test


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My son is going to be taking his first acheivment test in May and I am getting a little nervous. Can anyone tell me does he need to know what a hononym, synonym, and antonym are? He can very easily use common sense to tell what words mean the same, what words mean something different, and is very good at understanding what word is the right one (herd & heard, write & right, etc). But he doesn't know what it is actually called.


I was told that a practice test would just be a waste of money. Is this true or would it be beneficial to get one and if so which one.

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For second grade, it asked what word means the same or opposite. I don't know if for third grade they specifically state the words. If he needs to remember, I use this nmeumonic:


homophone: I hear them sound the same

synonym: the word has the same meaning

antonym: anti- means opposite


I would also recommend some test taking skills review. My ds got all the math questions correct, but missed a few in the language arts section. Basically, he chose the first answer that was close and not the best answer. The example that stood out in my mind: What word is similar to moist? He chose wet (the first line), and the answer was damp (last selection). This year, I got the Spectrum test prep so I can coach him. So, I would recommend you spend a little bit of time working on multiple choice tests.


ETA: I don't plan on spending a lot of time on "coaching" him. I have good test taking skills so I want to impart some of that knowledge.

Edited by ErinE
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