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The River. Eeeeeeeek!

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Did anyone watch the series premiere? It's like a weird cross between a documentary, a suspense movie, and The Blair Witch Project. CREEPY! It struck me as kind of stupid in places... like why are their reactions to some *really* strange things so low-key? I mean, people have already died! They've been attacked by things not of this world! But still they venture on. But I have to give points for atmosphere. This show has left me feeling spooked. And now I have to go to bed. :eek: Don't waaaaannnnnnna!

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I had just posted a thread last night asking:


"If you watched the season premiere of the new show The River, please help me decide if I would like it. I've got it saved to DVR but not sure if I want to watch it.


I like Lost, Fringe, and stuff like that.


But I hate creepy scary paranormal horror movies that give me nightmares later and won't even consider watching movies like Paranormal Activity. :P


Which one is this show going to be more like? Should I watch it?"


No one answered it except one person saying they were in the middle of watching it and would get back to me, but never did yet. My husband was waiting for an answer because he wanted to know if he should watch it alone or wait for me.


After this, I will definitely be telling him to watch it alone lol. I saw Blair Witch in the movies when it came out way back when and it scared the heck out out of me. I don't do horror movies anymore. I'm okay while I'm watching them but later I just get myself too creeped out at night, especially on nights when my husband's working late. And he's a tattoo artist, sometimes that happens. And my imagination's overactive as it is. So I just don't do it to myself anymore. :P

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