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Apparently, Pinterest is huge.

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I had no idea:




....but I did notice that I suddenly started getting lots more followers. I guess friends were signing up. It has started feeling busier, somehow, and I've actually found myself not going over to Pinterest as often. Pins are coming too fast and furious :D.

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I LOVE pinterest! I especially loved that thread a week or so ago where people shared their boards so we could follow them! I loved looking at them and followed several- and my page of 'pinners that I follow' has vastly improved! I was too shy to post my own- my boards need to be organized better. But some people followed me because I followed them! I hope they enjoy the stuff I pinned.


As an aside, I'm not finding any cute homemade (well, okay, there are some, but none that I really like) Valentine cards......anybody have any cute ideas that can be done quickly?!?!?

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