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fiengold type diet--do you have to do it perfectly

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do you cook from scratch now? if so, it will be easier to switch. if not, then maybe just work on natural, home cooked feingold breakfast ideas. even just start this week with saturday morning breakfast, and then sunday morning breakfast, and once you get those ritualized, move on to monday morning breakfasts from scratch, etc.


what stuff would you need to buy?


if money is an issue, can you just buy new natural stuff when the old stuff runs out? it would be a gradual shift, but at the end of a few months, you'd be done?


or you could try feingold breakfasts for a while, and get that going, and then add in feingold beverages, dinners, lunches, etc?


or do it by food group?


if you do a "little house on the prairie" study, a lot of this can happen just as a way of cooking some of the things laura would have eaten..... oatmeal from scratch, etc.


good luck!



ps. i guess what i'm saying is that you could use a gradual approach, and just not do the full elimination start, and reap many of the benefits. for some kids, it turns out to just be a couple of things that are huge triggers, but for others it is a package deal. and in the end, you all end up way healthier. we are a few years into it now, and one of the only drawbacks is that now most "food" doesn't taste real when we are out.... because it isn't.

Edited by elfgivas@yahoo.com
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Yes, from everything that I have read you need to do it 100% to see results. If your child is one with sensitivities, one drop of dye can bring it all back full force. Also if you don't do it 100% you will have no idea if the diet would have worked. I think replacing as you run out and easing into it is fine as long as you give it 100% for at least 6 weeks to see if there have been changes.

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