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E-mailing pics and videos while away from home -- options?

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Maybe someone more techie can help me. If we needed to be away from home and needed to be able to take pictures and videos and e-mail them all to someone else, what would be our best option, the best combination of ease/convenience and cost? This would be for occasional use, but when we needed it, we'd really need it.


We have basic cell plans (that are sufficient for talking and the occasional texting) and cannot afford to get a contract that would allow for internet/data plans. So that's not an option.


We do have a very good digital camera that also will take necessary videos. We do not have a laptop, so we would need to get something to which we could download the camera and then e-mail the files.


Some options I'm looking at:

-Eye-Fi card for the camera. Cheapest option, I think. No plan required -- just go to anywhere that offers free WiFi, and e-mail the pics/videos from there. Is that right?


-WiFi-enabled digital camera. Can they e-mail the video files? I think this would be fairly expensive, and I think for the same price, there might be another option.


-Old Ipod Touch or something that can take pics/videos and then use the free WiFi to e-mail them. Problem is, I think the ones that are in our price range don't have the cameras.


-Pay as we go smartphone. Advantage would be that it could be instantaneous; someone on the other end could see as we see. I just know nothing about megabyte usage and how expensive it could get to view things "live," or to e-mail pics and videos. But no need for finding a WiFi spot.


-Gently used netbook that uses Win XP. Download the camera to it, and use free WiFi spots to e-mail the pics. I don't think any sort of plan or contract would be needed for this, right? This could also have the added benefit of providing internet access for directions and such while away from home -- just find a library, McD's, coffee shop, etc. If I wanted this to need no WiFi spot, I'd need some sort of plan, right?


Any other ideas for us?

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