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Teacher's Lodge 2-1-2012

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Good Morning everyone :D Today we are starting back to school, getting ready for a yard sale on Friday, and some light house cleaning.



What's for breakfast/lunch/dinner? Breakfast for me was a few rice cakes, no idea what lunch will be, but dinner is going to be something and steamed cauliflower as it needs cooked.


What's on your plan for today? Starting back to school for this year, cleaning, and continuing work on 2nd grade lesson plans for the fall. I am toying with the idea of copying all our materials and placing them into daily units similar to ACE.


How do you address PE for your kiddos? DD gets outside play time, but really it's not enough as it's not every day.

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Oh there's another one! Yay (I like talking about myself, in case anyone hadn't noticed :D)


What's for breakfast/lunch/dinner? I haven't eaten yet. And I have no idea what the other two are going to be. I'm thinking if DH goes to Costco on his way home, we'll do beef stroganoff, but with ground turkey instead of beef.


What's on your plan for today? To not die, not cry, and not yell at any children. Another sleepless night with kiddos who think crying is fun :glare:. Will try and get Pigby to do some school. We haven't done much since Christmas.


How do you address PE for your kiddos? Ha! Well we don't really. I'd say letting them play outside would be it, but the yard for our complex is at the end of the building and I'm not about to let them play outside by themselves since I can't watch from the back door or anything. So playing outside involves dressing everyone in their coats and hats and shoes, finding some toys to take outside, carrying a heavy baby girl and trying to hold on to a maniac toddler, going in the yard and sitting on the bench and trying to keep baby girl happy in my lap and telling the boys I can't play with them but to go run around. *sigh* they run so much in the house and yet when I take them outside and tell them to have at it, they don't. Little turtles.

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