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SOTW1/Ancients -- additional supplements, etc.


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I'm planning on doing SOTW1/Ancients with my 5th and 2nd graders next year. We have the Activity Guide, and it looks like it has lots of great supplemental stuff in it. I'm figuring on about a chapter a week, maybe two weeks if they're really into some of it. We will plan to do history about three times a week (one day is co-op/educational games/catch-up day, and the other day, I use for doing geography, civics, other social studies related stuff, but we can do projects on that day too).


My kids don't really like coloring books very much, and my budget is pretty limited anyway, so most of our supplements will be from the library. For US history this year, I generally read the spine chapter and/or a chapter from a good novel aloud, and then on other days, we read corresponding picture books so that my littler ones get something out of it all too. Additionally, my oldest often has independent supplemental reading. We have been using the sheets from History Scribe, and that seems to work well, so we'll probably continue something like that. I'm also looking at using WWE4 for my 5th grader, so maybe we can incorporate that into history narrations as well (not sure; that's a different thread).


So, what are your favorite picture books and harder novels/good non-fiction books for this time period? Specifically, things that aren't listed in the AG.

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