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What to use for game theory?

Ester Maria

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DD likes Open Yale course lectures on game theory and she wants additional materials that go with it.


Three texts are offered in the syllabus:

A. Dixit and B. Nalebuff. Thinking Strategically, Norton 1991

J. Watson. Strategy: An Introduction to Game Theory, Norton 2002

P.K. Dutta. Strategies and Games: Theory And Practice, MIT 1999


Does anyone have any experience with any of those texts? Has anyone's child informally taken that course through Yale and what did you supplement it with / what was the textbook component at home?

What are other good "general" resources for a child interested in this, but without a general economics background - even if they are mostly interested in mathematical / economics part of it?


Thank you in advance.

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You might look at Games and Decisions (Luce and Raiffa) and Games as Models of Social Phenomena (Hamburger).


The Great Courses offers a series of lectures called Games People Play: Game Theory in Life, Business, and Beyond.


And if your daughter is interested in the political side of game theory, I highly recommend anything on the subject by William Riker, especially his Art of Political Manipulation.

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For a young math student, Game Theory and Strategy by Philip Straffin is supposed to be a good introductory text. We have not used it, though, but it's on my list of books to get. It's put out by the Mathematical Association of America.

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I haven't read the book listed by Dixit, but when I was getting my PhD in economics, I read a lot of his work in the area of game theory. The book will have more of an economics slant to the application of game theory than simply the mathematics involved.

Would you find it doable, though? Is there anything you could recommend as a general economics textbook that would make it easier for her to follow? I am not really afraid about the math part, but this child has never done any economics as such. I was trying to find something easy with basic jargon explained, something like Economics 101 - is there anything you could recommend?


Thanks for chiming in, always good to hear from somebody for whom this is a profession (ironically, we have economists in our family too, but they have not come up with any suggestions).

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