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How to use these together?


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Hi everyone,


My dd is 5 and can read pretty well. Not chapter books but some of the level 2 and 3 readers at the library. I have recently ordered Ordinary Parents Guide as well as FLL. I got FLL today and read that this and OPG as well as WWE all corilate together. I was going to do the reading and grammer this year and wait for WWE until next year since that's how it seemed to be written on the curriculum guide, but if they all go together, amybe I'll get it and start it this year, If you've used all of these how did you schedule it? Do you start FLL after a certian lesson in OPG and WWE after a certian lesson in FLL? Sorry if this was a confusing post! If you could help, I'd appreicate it :-)





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I believe PHP recommends starting FLL when your reader has reached lesson 140.


That being said, my kiddos were quite fluent before that, so I started FLL1 with their K year. Neither were ready for that much writing, though, so my daughter did WWE1 with FLL2 and will do WWE2 with FLL3 this year (when we finish up). They worked very nicely together.

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Thanks everyone,


Is all of this detailed in the WTM? I borrowed the book from the library a while ago when i was still trying to figure out all of the homeschool stuff, but I might have to re-read it now that I'm more clear on what I want to do.


I guess we'll just try FLL and OPGTR and see how that goes. I am assuming that when we receive OPGTR, we'll be skipping at least some of the lessons but after looking over FLL today, we'll be able to start at the beginning there since she's never had any grammer. I think it'll be fun and I LOVE how short and quick the lessons are :-)



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