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TOG Year 3 - textbook/alternate questions

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Well, I spent some time this morning researching what textbooks are used as alternates in TOG 3. So, I find that there seem to be NONE. SOTW is not scheduled and neither is the Spielvogel book I invested in. In another thread I see that previously TOG 3 scheduled the following....



  • BJU - World History for Christian Schools, Second Edition (1993)
  • BJU - United States History for Christian Schools, Second Edition (1994)


  • Spielvogel - Western Civilization, Fourth Edition, Comprehensive Volume (2000)
  • Christian Liberty Press - Streams of Civilization, Volume 2, Second Printing (1995)

So, my question is, has anyone lined up chapters or page numbers for these resources to go along with TOG weeks? Or am I on my own figuring out how to align them?

In year 2 We used Streams of Civ at times and Story of the World as a read aloud for Dd. This has worked out really well for us. We like having a resource that gives us the big picture. Ds is moving into Rhetoric and I wanted him to use Western Civ as a spine. Dd does the UG reading on her own, but we enjoy couch time with SOTW. Uggh! I thought I had history all mapped out for next year!


I just purchased Year 3, so buying an older version is not an option. I wonder if the TOG 3 yahoo group has a schedule for any of these?


I was using the TOG website to find out. Maybe they don't put the alternates on the site any longer. I think I'll give them a call.

Edited by shanvan
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Can't help, but I did pull Unit Two as a sample and it appears Spielvogel is scheduled, but not a lot. I suspect that this year is just too idiosyncratic for most standard text books which are either World Civ or American History and Tapestry is in the middle somewhere.


I also saw a book called Heritage of Freedom used at the D level a lot in Unit Two.


Besides the loose threads email group, try the year three group.

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Okay, my TOG 3 arrived today and I looked through Unit 1 so far and see that for most weeks Spielvogel is scheduled. I htink SOTW 3 was listed as an alternate for every week. I feel better. Sigh....


Just though I'd update in case anyone comes across this thread in a search.

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