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Anyone tread water after HOP: Kindergarten?


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DD's just about finished with HOP Kindergarten. While she has done really well with it, she's not a fluent reader yet. I do see glimmers some days, but we're not there yet. I already have HOP: First Grade. While I don't think she would have a problem with the new blends, word endings, etc., the reading portion of the first grade program is quite lengthy by the end. Actually, even the beginning stories are a good bit longer. I just don't think she would have the stamina to sound out so much.


I hate to hold her back because she really is doing well and I want to start blends, but I'm not sure what else to do. Thinking about reviewing with ETC and re-reading all the of little HOP books while we wait for that magic click.


Anyone tread water after HOP: Kindergarten? If so, what did you do?

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Ok, that's not a bad idea...not a bad idea at all. Maybe I could copy the workbook stories and then highlight her parts to be sure she gets the new words.


Thanks for the advice! :001_smile:


Just take turns reading the stories with her. There is nothing that says she HAS to read the entire thing in one sitting or all of it. That's what I did until my son was well on his way. I used a sheet of paper to cover up part of the page if it appeared too overwhelming.


Things starting clicking for DS (talking about my 6 year old) at about the end of HOP 1. At that point he took off and I skimmed quickly through HOP 2 with him because he really didn't need it.


Edited to add that there were instances where a particular book didn't interest him for whatever reason. I didn't push it. I found additional books at the library and we have quite a collection of books as well.


This is my second go around with HOP so I felt comfortable with not following it EXACTLY. That worked out just fine.

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