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I need all your favorite home school tips and advice for new hs mom!

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My daughter just ran over to a neighbor's house to babysit her cute kids while she runs out and shows some houses. She is a realtor, too. My daughter texted me and said that the neighbor has decided to homeschool her son, he is 8 years old and the only one of the 3 old enough to attend school. I haven't had a chance to talk with her yet but I'm expecting her here later to discuss it. The last time we talked she was disgusted because his teacher was adamant that he be prescribed ADHD meds. He is smart, funny, VERY inquisitive and oh, so articulate. I am so happy that she has decided to get him out of that school that I could explode!!! I might spontaneously combust? :lol:

So, I would love to be armed with your advice and tips. She has NO experience with homeschooling and probably has only one friend with any experience. Me. So far, I'm thinking that I will recommend that she let decompress from a very stressful school year and just read, explore, listen to books on tape while he plays, and immerse the family in unit studies until fall. I think he needs to get his love of learning back. I should also explain that he has NO behavioral issues, has a positive attitude and is an active, talkative boy. Now, let me hear your wisdom so I can share it over a glass of wine with a very brave and apprehensive mom!

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I think some unit studies for different areas of science (maybe some of Ellen McHenry's stuff; maybe Mr. Q's free biology, etc.), paired with perhaps getting some critters for the home to observe (goldfish; betta fish; maybe an anole or hermit crab, etc., etc.) might help him get to a spot where he can choose an area to study more in depth.


She might also try reading from Story of the World or listening to it on CD. I've heard a lot of kids love the audio version. This paired with some great literature (read alouds, read alones, audios) should help him get his love of learning back.


He might like to add in some geography, too. My boys liked reading living books for geography when they were younger but both of them also liked The Complete Book of Maps and Geography and actually used it over multiple years:




I see the cover has changed but I'm assuming the contents are still the same....


If he's a math oriented guy, then she may want to keep him moving along in math. For any child at that age, he probably needs to keep working some math regularly in order not to lose skills. She could certainly do that through online games and/or games they play together at home.


I hope she feels confident enough to go through with her plan....

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Oh, thank you. I love your advice. She and I both had to work late and I ended up at an unexpected basketball game:D . I spoke with her briefly this a.m. and she is excited. It seems the teacher has recommended that this little boy be labeled as learning challenged (disabled, still here in this neck of the woods) and that he be tested for ADHD and other things. We are getting together tonight to run and to talk about the legalities and such, I love your advice and will print it off for her. She is awesome and is thinking she is in this for the long haul. She feels his personality is much like her own and that sitting at a desk all day doing work sheets wont work. :D I'm so excited for them! What an awesome journey homeschooling is and what fun they will have!

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