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Changing languages, and taking Arabic

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My ds is a sophomore and will finish OSU's German 1 class in the next couple of weeks. I mentioned to him last night, in passing, that he will soon be in German 2. He wants to switch to Arabic!




1. What does the hive think about taking 1 year of 1 language and 2 years of another? Most of the colleges we looked at for dd last year just wanted a minimum of 2 years of the same language.


2. Are there any at-home resources for Arabic, other than Rosetta Stone?


I did search the various community colleges in our area - there's one that offers Arabic I and II. But it wasn't my first choice for him. He'll start taking classes at the cc next year, but class offerings are so impacted by the California budget that I was hoping he'd go to the same college dd attended, since we "know the system" there. (I may have to learn a new system)

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I personally don't think it is that big of a deal to switch languages, as long as he took two years of one of them, he will have satisfied most college requirements of 2 foreign language years.


What about doing Arabic online at the Potters School? I know they offer Arabic 1 and 2. We are doing French with TPS and love it.

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