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What are you doing to create respectful children at home?


Here are a few examples of how we run our house. I hate telling people this, because it sounds like I am bragging...however when we are out, there is seldom a time when the girls are not complimented on their manners and how respectful they are. It is actually annoying at times, because they will receive compliments on days where, imo, they are not doing more than the bare minimum of what is expected.


~Ultimately, our girls know that DH and I run the house. They are the children, and we are the adults. They will do what we say when we say it. If they have questions on why...they may ask us in a calm respectful way *after it has been done. I generally do not have to punish them often, because when we do...it "hurts." For example, they don't just loose a game system, they loose everything electronic...and usually for an extended period of time. This has repercussions in other aspects of their lives as well. If, say our oldest DD looses electronics...that includes her cell phone. Since the cell phone was purchased as a safety tool allowing her to go places on her own, then without it, she must be driven by DH or I when we are able. This limits her freedom.


~Everything in the house belongs to DH and I, so there is no since fighting over something or being rude about sharing it...unless they want Mom to claim it as hers.


~The girls are expected to speak with respect to all adults at all times. This includes saying "yes Sir/Ma'am" and "no Sir/Ma'am." They also act respectful to adults at all times...put their hands out to shake an adults hand, speak clearly with eye contact when having a conversation, get up so an adult may sit down, and if they happen to be at an "adult" function (our monthly homeschool meeting, for example) they wait until all adults have had a chance to get snacks before helping themselves.


While we are strict in what is appropriate behavior, and what their "place" is (adult/child) they also know where their "place" is with their father and I-they are the three most important things in our lives. They know that we are very protective of them, and we will always put them first. They also know we like a good sense of humor. I am a pretty sarcastic person, and two of our daughters are just like me. That is fine, as long as they know when it is acceptable...and when it crosses the line. We *like spending time with the girls and their friends, so we have an open house policy making our house the "usual hangout" for a good portion of our homeschool group.


This got longer than I intended...but having respectful children was something that DH and I took very seriously. Unfortunately, it does not appear that many parents take the time to teach respect anymore.

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I'm insisting on it. Respect, that is.


It's not an option to disrespect your parents, here. The boom is lowered quite quickly if it happens. It is a Big. Deal.


That said, I also believe in *giving* children a certain amount of respect. They're not on equal footing with dh and I, obviously, but I want to be careful to respect their feelings, and show them that I value them, as people.


I'm not sure how to give examples of it, it's just a principle that drives a lot of what we do.

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