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I use BFSU as a spine and branch out into library books and what not... Whatever topic we have interest in can usually be found in the BFSU manual with a lesson plan (and there are always tips about how to explain things and common misunderstandings that I find very helpful). You can use it as a whole curriculum and it's about 20.00 for 3 years worth of information, but I call it my spine because I never do it exactly as I should according to the lesson plans.


I have had no problem just using BFSU and the library. The book is available as a kindle download for 5.00 if that helps...

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I have no idea whether you'd be interested in this or not, but something is pushing me to post the link, so I will!


It's a yearlong study of the human body. It's pre-done, literature-based, and free (aside from getting the books somehow), not to mention you can use it with a wide age spread by taking advantage of the PK-1 curriculum and the correlating 2-6 one ... check out Otter's Science.

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We really alternate between the science that is in FIAR and what I am using in Old Fashioned Education. Mostly those are Among the _____ People books. We also use the Handbook of Nature Study to expand the lessons on each creature.


Next year most likely we will be following Ambleside (with some changes) using Burgess Bird Book and read the bird section out of an old ABeka science book that we were given. There are also some cool bird pics in there. Continue with Nature Studies every year. We will also be reading the stories from the Jame Herriot Treasury for Children.


Burgess Animal Book



The Secret of Everyday Things


Madam How and Lady Why


Unlocking the Mysteries of Creation


Not sure if you are looking for text or living, so all of the above may be totally not you. If so just ignore it. ;)

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My 10 yro and 9 yro will be using DK Visual Encyclopedia of Science as a spine for the next few years. http://www.amazon.com/Visual-Encyclopedia-Science-DK-Publishing/dp/0756607000/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1325339894&sr=8-1 There are some other DK versions out there.


My kids are also asking to do this: http://www.amazon.com/Amazing-Leonardo-Vinci-Inventions-Yourself/dp/0974934429/ref=sr_1_1?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1325340024&sr=1-1


Also buying this: http://www.amazon.com/Thames-Kosmos-625412-Physics-Workshop/dp/B0002HABZU/ref=sr_1_cc_1?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1325340074&sr=1-1-catcorr


My 7 yro will be tagging along. Also, she could do Snap Circuits (those are a big hit here), check out library books on different topics and I have a Simple Machines Kit (from Hobby Lobby) that was a HUGE hit with my son last year. In fact, I think he built the pulley so many times that he accidentally broke one of the parts. :D


You could simply do interest-led science...or you could come up with a theme (maybe this is your year for chemistry) and look for resources that way.


Good luck!!

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I prefer the DK and Usborne style for science. We jump from there to PBS, the Discovery Channel, stream videos, etc. By far, we tend to prefer to investigate a topic.


For logic stage, I like the Prentice Hall Science Explorer books. We will more than likely be using these books for grades 6-8 because neither Elemental Science or Classiquest have resources beyond Biology at this point.

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