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Computer-based schooling for 1st-2nd grade?


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Hey, I was wondering if anyone here has used any of the online classes for their kiddos. We are looking at 1st/2nd grade level. Veritas Press Academy looks good, but apparently starts at 3rd grade. Any you would recommend? Is the A Beka Academy any good?

I am not trying to start a discussion on the pros or cons of online or computer based learning in general, but more specifically on which ones are out there.

Also, maybe something like Switched on Schoolhouse, or another computer based curriculum might work for us...could use thoughts on any of those.




Thanks in advance!

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You can try and use it too early. Keep this in mind!


I am not saying that you cannot use it reinforce learning, but it should NOT be the primary mode of delivering instruction.


This does not fit their learning abilities at such a young age.


Rule of Thumb: If they cannot write a sentence, they should not use the computer for school.:001_smile:

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:iagree: We are using a FEW computer-based resources this year, including Reading Eggs and Rosetta Stone. We have been using Starfall all along. I'd also like dd6 to learn to use a paint program and she prefers "painting" on the comptuer to colouring by hand anyway.


But I try to keep each of these things minimal - a couple of times a week at most.


I know you didn't want to start a pros/cons discussion, but at this age, I really believe that "real world" resources are the very best, with living books being top of the list - nothing else even parallels that resource in the early years.


Plus, it's EASY for parents to teach at this stage. I plan to wait until it gets hard. My ds16's Grade 12 functions class, for instance. He can do that online all he likes. :lol:

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