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Online schooling??

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Hey, I was wondering if anyone here has used any of the online classes for their kiddos. We are looking at 1st/2nd grade level. Veritas Press Academy looks good, but apparently starts at 3rd grade. Any you would recommend?

I am not trying to start a discussion on the pros or cons of online or computer based learning in general, but more specifically on which ones are out there.


Thanks in advance!

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We're enrolled in a public school charter that uses K-12 curriculum. The public option here starts at grade 3, but it also has private options that, as the name implies, covers the entire grade spectrum.


We like the organization and the comprehensive nature of it, though we find social studies to be a bit conservative (we augment as necessary). So, you'd probably like it it. ;)


The program is accessed and much of it completed online, but also includes texts and workbooks and other supplies.

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