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Middle son is considering a late add on to his college list - Lafayette College in Easton PA. He selected them due to an online search combining his preferred major (Neuroscience) with decent merit aid and research opportunities, plus, wanting a possible option closer to home (pending merit aid, of course). Online they seem fine (and he's supposedly not too late for merit aid consideration). They have an information session Jan 7th that we will probably attend before putting in an application ($65!).


But, of course, I'm always curious to know if anyone on here has any thoughts about the place. I only know what he told me from his online searching and looking at their web site.


I also know if we opt to move, Lafayette won't be close to home... but that's another issue.

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Just as an update, we're scrapping the idea of adding one more college. I still think Lafayette is worthy and worth a look to anyone in the future based upon what we've seen online about the school, but trying to squeeze in a visit (when students aren't there) and paying a $65 application fee (annoyingly high for their caliber) has convinced us that it just isn't worth it. Middle son likes his current options - even if they are away from home - so we're sticking with those. If we end up moving, the "close to home" point is moot.


And, looking at their website trying to schedule a last minute visit, there doesn't appear to be a Jan 7th info session anyway...

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Ds and I visited Lafayette last year. It's a school with a pre-professional feel. Lots of Greek life, which the admissions director admitted to being a big force on the social scene.


While it's a good school, it wasn't a good fit for ds. Unfortunately, most of the PA schools around here have the same feel. Sigh. I would have liked it if he stayed close.


DS did apply to Dickinson, though. And will apply to Haverford.


Best of luck. I don't like the stress, for sure!

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Lots of Greek life, which the admissions director admitted to being a big force on the social scene.



This is something that could easily have made it a poor fit for my guy. Their stats say that only 25% of males are in frats, so it's kind of surprising to hear it's a big force. More females are in sororities (46% I think). Maybe they lead more?


With Pitt being effectively eliminated by their homeschooling letter/requirements, it appears my guy will be going out of state. His top possibilities are Alabama, Furman, U of Rochester, and Wash U in SL - alphabetical order as he really hasn't decided on one (and has to see if he gets in to three of the above yet).

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The admissions director said that 35% are involved in Greek life. That's a huge percentage, if you ask DS. Over 1 in 3. Similar vibes at Gettysburg, Lehigh, and Bucknell. Franklin and Marshall would have been an option, but no longer provides merit.


I am sad, too, that ds's choices (mainly because of merit aid needs) are out of state. Grinnell, Oberlin, Kenyon, Macalester to name a few.


Best of luck to your ds. :)

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