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Bob Jones Press DVD's or online

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Not for high school, but we did use BJU DVD's for 6th grade. I limited the DVD's to 4 core classes because I didn't want hs day to be too long. We also did Bible and history together as a family.


Pros - curriculum is very well laid out and thorough. My ds referred back to BJU's 6th grade science text a few time for his ps 7th/8th class.

- work got done because he wasn't waiting for me to teach him.

- student get timely feedback. Since I wasn't teaching, I had to time to grade his workbook/quizzes daily.

- Straight forward - the lectures and reading prepare you for the workbooks, the workbook exercises prepare you for the quizzes, the quizzes + studying prepare you for the tests. There were no surprises and if you do the work you will do well on the tests. I also liked that my ds was getting test taking experience.


Cons - expensive

- tedious - My ds is coming back to hs next week as a 9th grader. I don't think he could go back to BJU DVD because it is tedious listening to lectures day after day.


Lastly, we used DVD's which worked out great since we had a portable DVD player. However, you need to track the DVD's since they charge for each individual DVD's which are not returned.


My friend used the online program. The computer was a huge distraction to her son. He would pretend to be watching the lecture, but flip screens to watch Youtube and game. She had to sit next to him to make sure he watched the lectures.

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