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To whoever recommended Captain Underpants....


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My 9yo has been difficult when it comes to reading. He picked up on phonics easily. He spells great. Gets his thoughts on paper fairly well, but he has had a hard time gaining skills in fluency and speed. I have felt that if something sparked his interest, he would go ahead and really take off. He has beedn reading the Third Grade Detective series as assigned reading and likes them, but nothing has interested him enough to read beyond the few pages I assign him and I have tried lots of books. I had decided he was just going to be the kid that doesn't read for pleasure.


I had looked at Capt. Underpants online and decided it wasn't "quality literature" and moved on. But this weekend I picked up one for him as a small gift for a party we went to this weekend. He is almost finished with it. This is the first time he has EVER read something I didn't assign. So, while it may not be quality literature, it has introduced my book phobic ds to the idea that reading is fun. I know if it is fun, he will read more and his skills will improve. So, I am a happy momma.

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When you have a reluctant reader (I have one too), just about any reading, even the back of a cereal box, is an accomplishment. My boys have read some of the CU series and really enjoyed the "potty humor". They've also liked the Hank Zipzer books, Diary of a Wimpy kid books, and the Miss Daisy is Crazy series.


I'm even thankful for subtitles and other reading in the video games he plays!



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