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How do you prepare your kids to do


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Abeka video? I'm looking to place all my kids in Abeka video. My main concern is my 5th graders ( they will be placed in Abeka 5th) and my 9th grader( placed in 9th). My 5th graders are doing MUS Gamma and I know ABEKa is a lot more advanced. We are starting in Feb/March. So I need to bring them up to speed. So how do I make sure they are completely prepared?

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I only used the Abeka video for my daughter in k4 :), but she is now in 4th grade doing math u see Gamma. I have a copy of the Abeka math for the 4th grade, and in my opinion, it is way hard. I think abeka math 5 would be really hard for your child after math u see gamma. If you could maybe get through math u see delta, then it might be possible, but that might be really pushing it and stressful for your child. Does abeka have a way to do all 5th grade, except for math, and maybe do 4th grade in that one subject? I know bju press lets you choose two subjects to go up or down a grade for their distance learning courses. Their math is also a little easier.

Hope this helped!

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