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School uses for tablets (iPad, Android, etc.)

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Looks like my dad is getting me a 10" Android tablet for Christmas, AND he found an app that annotates PDFs on Android (RepliGo Reader) - there are others as well, I'm sure. So I'd love to know what all people use their tablets for school-wise... I'm thinking:




  • PDF schedule (I use HST+, but I can print the checklist to PDF and stick it on the tablet)
  • Math Mammoth, KISS Grammar, and other PDF curricula
  • Reading eBooks


Anything else I'm forgetting?


I would still have my young children write with pencil and paper for "writing" and such, but something like KISS grammar I'd be fine with having them do completely on the tablet - marking sentences and what not. WWE I would just get the PDF version of the book and read off the tablet, letting my son write with pencil and paper. I could let him do some notebooking on the tablet. I'll bet the novelty of writing with the stylus would be kind of like writing on a white board? And I can print my Startwrite notebooking pages to PDF for annotating. Oh the possibilities! :lol:

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