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Ok, I know the math works out on this problem (at least what the operations they want us to perform) but it's completely non-sensical...


"Four oranges and two bananas weigh 305 g altogether. Three oranges and two bananas weigh 215 g altogether. How much do two oranges weigh altogether?"


So, of course, they want us to make a bar diagram like so...



[O][O][O] =215g


in which case it should be obvious that 1 orange weighs and thus 2 oranges weight 2*90=180g. Fine. And this is the answer in the book.


But do you see the problem? Oranges can NOT weigh 90 g unless bananas have a negative weight!!! 4 90 g oranges would weight 360 g by themselves and 3 90 g oranges would weigh 270 g by itself! So SM messed up and should have printed different totals.


Does anyone have a list of compiled SM errata? I used to have a bookmarked website, but the site has been taken down. Thanks!

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If it's the old CWP, the errata for them are down.

From the main page of singaporemath, errata is at the bottom of the page: direct link.


Definitely check at their forums.

I've also gotten good responses from Jenny.


And yup... nasty to get negatives :)


Was there a lot of errata for the old CWP?:001_unsure:


I have the old CWP which I am hoping to start soon and would really want to see an errata sheet if there is one.:)

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Was there a lot of errata for the old CWP?:001_unsure:


I have the old CWP which I am hoping to start soon and would really want to see an errata sheet if there is one.:)


Not a lot. I think the most were in 6 and I think they've got those errata still up.

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