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Favorite Wii games for the family?

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Mario Karts is still our go-to game that all of us can play together.


If you have the original Sports that Sports Resort is more of the same.


The dancing ones are fun and good exercise, but younger kids do better with ones aimed at them.


BoomBlox is another good multiplayer, and 4 can play.

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We like the Sports Resort and the add-on is worth it. Last year we got Wii Play and have had a lot of fun with it. Lots of small games that are really simple so all ages can play together and not get too left behind - though it's embarassing when my 3 yods beats me :)


Pencil - some are traditional, sit and play. We try to stay away from those. My poor guys have been begging for Lego Star Wars for years for the Wii and I keep seeing it for $10 but I hate seeing them sitting and staring while they push buttons so I keep putting it in my cart and back on the shelf before I buy it.

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Pencil - some are traditional, sit and play. We try to stay away from those. My poor guys have been begging for Lego Star Wars for years for the Wii and I keep seeing it for $10 but I hate seeing them sitting and staring while they push buttons so I keep putting it in my cart and back on the shelf before I buy it.


Mil sent some $ for a new wii game, & that was basically what I thought--we have what we want the kids to have. One dance game, the sports, wii fit. The other stuff that looks fun...looks like video games.


If we're going to sit still, I'd rather be playing Catan. ;)

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We like Disney Dance Revolution. Look for it at a local store. We found it with two mats for $39 last Christmas season.




My husband and son really enjoy this Toy Story Mania game. It's kind of like the Toy Story Ride at California Adventure.




Outdoor Challenge has been a hit as well:





And as others have stated, you can't go wrong with Mario Kart. If you already have Mario Kart and want something similar but new, then try out Sonic All Star Racers.



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