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We finally moved!!!

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The last few days have been crazy!!! We moved from Heidelberg up to Wiesbaden (Germany for those who don't know) this week and I'm exhausted. Someone messed up our paper work to read that we had about 4000 pounds of household goods instead of 14000 and the moving company only sent 2 guys to pack us out on Monday. You should have seen their faces when they saw how much stuff we had. They called for more packers (3 more showed up) and it still took them 2 days. They delivered the day before Thanksgiving. I do not recommend moving the week of Thanksgiving! Our house is full of boxes. We bought a ticket for my mom to fly over and take care of the boys while we dealt with everything else and it was the best decision. She had never met Han Solo (now 7 months), so she was thrilled to come over. If she hadn't made Thanksgiving dinner for us, we probably would have ended up at McDonald's. :D

One really funny thing happened on Thanksgiving morning. The movers are supposed to put the beds together when they deliver, which they did. However, they put one of the rails on our bed (king size) on wrong and at 4:30 am the rail collapsed and one of our box springs fell. James Bond rolled into me. We had to get up at 4:30 and put it back together. Good times!

I've missed TWM boards!!! Unfortunately we've still got about 3 million boxes to unpack, so I won't be on regularly for quite a while. Sadness. :svengo:

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because we moved from Wiesbaden to northern VA exactly six weeks ago. We got our stuff last Friday and I am still unpacking! I don't feel like I will ever get unpacked! And the movers lost all my kitchen knives. Grrr. So, do you live in Hainerberg or Aukumm? They have great Scouts there if you have Scout age kids!



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because we moved from Wiesbaden to northern VA exactly six weeks ago. We got our stuff last Friday and I am still unpacking! I don't feel like I will ever get unpacked! And the movers lost all my kitchen knives. Grrr. So, do you live in Hainerberg or Aukumm? They have great Scouts there if you have Scout age kids!





Awwww, bummer!!! I didn't even know you were here! It's too bad you're gone. I could use someone to show me around! I have no idea where anything is! We're actually living on WAAF in one of the newly renovated quarters. It's so much bigger than the others they offered us. Did you like it here? I'm getting ready to call scouts for Indy. He's a Web this year. My growing boy!!!!

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