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How do you pronounce "Koine" as in

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the kind of Greek that EG has? Also, is this the same thing as the modern Greek people use today?


Hot Lava Mama


Flock of Sillies has the pronunciation correct, AFAIK.


As to your second question, in brief, no. I'll leave it to a competent linguist or philologist to go into the details. ;)

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one alternate spelling is with the greek accent mark, which falls on the second syllable. That is the one you will hear when you click on the button on the Webster's link--notice the accent.


KOY-nay is listed (to my surprise) as a secondary pronouciation, but IMHO is not as correct as it does not reflect the original greek word as well. When I studied koine greek in seminary, the professors always said koy-NAY.

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