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Okay, now I want a baby.

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I've been struggling with the babies thing for the past 6 months. Dreaming of babies... I want one, and then I want to smack myself "what are you thinking?" I'm 42. I have 5 children 2.5-12. Another baby would require a new car we don't have money for... more diapers... less sleep (ha!)...then there is the whole pregnancy and the cost of having a baby (probably have to be a hospital, because I'm not certain we could afford the nearly $4k out of pocket for the midwife...


All these moms with new babies. WAHHH.


Okay, pity party over.

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I am going to be 44 in a few days, and just had my annual check up. Jokingly I asked "So since all my women parts are healthy this means I can have another baby, right"?


He says to me "If you want to have another baby, I see no reason not to. Physically your fine".


I laughed so hard. I told him no way. My oldest is 21. youngest is 13. I like my sleep. I will wait for grandchildren.


But it was nice to hear that my option was still on the table. Oh and that I had "young looking ovaries" whatever that means.


Good luck on your decision.

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I am going to be 44 in a few days, and just had my annual check up. Jokingly I asked "So since all my women parts are healthy this means I can have another baby, right"?


He says to me "If you want to have another baby, I see no reason not to. Physically your fine".


I laughed so hard. I told him no way. My oldest is 21. youngest is 13. I like my sleep. I will wait for grandchildren.


But it was nice to hear that my option was still on the table. Oh and that I had "young looking ovaries" whatever that means.


Good luck on your decision.

It's nice to see a doctor with that attitude. I had my youngest at 32, and needed a new doctor (new state). Some of the ones I talked to made me feel positively geriatric, and I wasn't even to the 'magic' 35 advanced age.


:grouphug: To the OP. Been there. Saw later that the timing that happened later was better, but at the time, it was a really tough thing to get through.

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I'm on the fence about it, actually. I have 4 lovely dc, ages 10, 8, 6, and 1 - dh and I have talked about a "buddy" for the baby. Somehow the jump from 4 to 5 just seems so huge though. I go back and forth, but all these babies (here and among my friends) is messing with me. I'm 34, so there's definitely still time, but if I do it I want it to be soon. What to do...

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