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Lux et Veritas: links to articles on college costs for deciding "Would You Pay"...

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Hi Lux et Veritas,

Would love to know what you are thinking on college for DD, especially with all the conversation going on in your thread "Would You Pay?"... I also thought you'd find these recent articles very helpful as you discuss with your DD:


School Debt a Long Term Burden for Many Graduates

Student Debt Grows: Is It Worth It?



Warmest regards, Lori D.

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We were a little displaced with the huge power outage and New England weather last weekend, I went into survival mode vs. college mode!


Yikes! Hope you didn't lose anything important!




I thought of another line of questions for you as you discuss this topic with DD: How committed is SHE to make THIS school happen?


- Is she willing to work to pay for it? -- Or is she expecting a free ride and a fun time?


- Does she understand that going into debt in order to go to THIS school for this high price may completely dictate the next 10-15 years of her life? What other things does she WANT in her future? Does she realize she may have to forfeit those things for 4 years at THIS school? Is she willing to forego those other things?


- Is she willing to do her part to be able to go to THIS school? Is SHE researching for scholarships? Is SHE taking the initiative and doing all the work -- writing essays / doing projects and/or community service, etc. -- needed in order to apply for as many scholarships as possible? Is SHE initiating to prepare and practice on her own time to score high on the SAT to earn scholarships?



Also, have you and DH sat down and discussed what you are willing and able to offer to each child in the way of college support?


Now is the time to determine if you will give an equal share to each, or if you are willing/able to give more support to one for whatever reason. (Musician, with need of an expensive instrument; or a gifted STEM student with drive to attend a STEM college; or child with high interest in theater and you are willing to pay extra during high school to cover costs to participate; or.....)


Also, if you are willing to pay for some of the cost of a child's education, I think that entitles you to some say in how that is going to be spent! We really do NOT *OWE* our children a college education or support to go to college -- that is a gift and a privilege we GIVE to our children if we are able to and feel it is in their best interests for us to contribute towards their higher education goal. At least, that is how DH and I see it -- that it is very important for our children to understand that concept from the outset, rather than they expect / demand us to pony up the cash or go into debt for them...



Just a few more thoughts to ponder! BEST of luck as you work your way through these tough questions and decisions! Warmest regards, Lori D.

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