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Pickled pumpkin? Anyone?

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Has anyone tried this? It sounds yummy, but I'd love some personal experience!


Truly Smashing Pickled Pumpkin Rinds:

If your lantern survives the night of hell-raising by neighborhood teens and shows no signs of worrisome rot, inordinate candle scorching, or excessive wax buildup, real cheapskates separate themselves from the rest by pickling the rind of their jack-o'-lanterns the day after Halloween. I'm told by Miser Adviser Doris Sharp that this dish is particularly popular in Northern Germany. Here's how:

Peel off the outer skin and cut the white-colored rind (about 1 inch thick) into two inch squares. For each pound of pumpkin, use 3/4 lb sugar, 2 cups vinegar and a piece of fresh ginger. Use a stick of cinnamon for the whole batch of several pounds. Put pumpkin in vinegar and let it soak overnight. Remove the pumpkin from vinegar (discard*) and let it dry on a towel. Bring fresh vinegar to a boil with sugar, ginger and a stick of cinnamon. Add pumpkin and simmer until pieces are translucent and golden yellow, about 3 hours on low heat. Never stir with a spoon; just shake the pot occasionally so the pumpkin doesn't fall apart. Can and seal, or store in the refrigerator for up to a few weeks.



Read more: http://www.thedailygreen.com/living-green/blogs/save-money/pumpkin-recipes-461009#ixzz1ceLBavNt

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We bought a bunch of pumpkins but ended up not carving any of them this year, so I would like to do something fun. We've baked all the pie pumpkins and are making bread and pumpkin shakes, but I'd love something to do with the bigger ones besides ravage them for the seeds.


The bigger ones aren't as sweet, is that right? I guess we'll just experiment and let y'all know what the outcome is!

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