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Rules for your groups?

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Our local group is finally getting to the size/point where we could benefit from posted rules and/or discipline policy. Does anyone have a sample of theirs that they would be willing to share so that we can get an idea of how to proceed with this? Thanks



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Our rules are:


You must be actively homeschooling to be a member


You must pay dues on time


New members must attend at least one meetup within 30 days of joining so we can get to know them


Too many "no shows" may affect your membership so treat your RSVP's like any other commitment


No soliciting our members other than posting in the "member businesses" thread


Your home must be reasonably clean and safe if you are going to host events at your home and complaints to the contrary may result in you not being allowed to host again


Profile pics on the meetup site are required for identification and risque pics and content are not allowed


(These are all a bit wordier but those are the main points).


Our "Bullying" and "Drama and Disputes" sections read as follows:


Bullying: Please note that bullying will not be tolerated in any form. We realize our younger children may simply get carried away at times, but we cannot allow an out-of-control child who continually hurts other children or who continually puts others in harm's way to remain in the group. If this becomes an ongoing issue with one of your children, your family may be asked to leave the group.


Drama & Disputes: If you ever have a dispute with another member, please do not post negative or aggressive comments to or about that person on our group message board. You should attempt to email the member privately if there is a problem (do not email the entire group about it). It would not be fair or mature to involve every person in the group in a problem between two individuals. Should you find yourself unable to resolve the issue on your own, and if you feel it warrants discussing it privately with an organizer, you may contact one of us. As far as differences of opinion go when it comes to lifestyle or parenting choices, we need to ask that everyone follow the "golden rules" (treat others as you would like to be treated, and if you don't have anything nice to say, don't say anything at all). Respect the viewpoints of others, do not be rude when offering your opinions, and try to refrain from posting about issues that are likely to be "controversial" or cause heated debate. This isn't the forum for that.


That's about it. We do mention up front that we are an inclusive/diverse/welcoming group with members of different homeschooling philosophies, religious backgrounds etc and that all are welcome. If it ever becomes an issue/problem, I'll have to include something about the focus of our board discussions, emails and get togethers not being on politics or religion but so far it hasn't really come up, except for one time when a few members wanted to attend a paranormal thing at the library and another (former) member decided to lecture everyone on inviting the devil into their lives or some such and she was told that while she could believe whatever she wanted and didn't have to attend the event, it wasn't appropriate to email everybody else in the group about that.

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