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Suggestions for books/curriculum for missions

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My 6th grade son is very interested in being a missionary. He has wanted to be one for 3 years and hasn't wavered on this. I don't know if this is what he'll end up doing, but i thought it would be great to do some sort of missions curriculum with him-I don't want anything extensive like ECC, just something that we could add in to our school for him to learn from. Maybe even something that would give an overview of different countries and what missionary work is going on there. I don't even know if there is something like that out there, but if anyone will know, you ladies will!!



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Sonlight year 5 (not sure what it is called now, they changed it to letters) is about world cultures and it has some mission minded stuff. Also, almost every year has a missionary book. Peace Child and Bruchko come to mind. There is also a movie about a tribe being introduced to the gospel for the first time. It is remarkable.


I am Greek Orthodox now so our books are different, but those are some good evangelical resources. :001_smile:

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I just checked and Core 5 is now called Core F. Here are some other titles:


I Dared to Call Him Father (not sure if that is Sonlight or not, but it is good)

William Wilberforce

Gladys Alward (the series that this book is a part of has a lot of Christian figures featured, I'm not completely sure if they are all missionaries or not)

American Indian Prayer Guide (a daily prayer book for the various Native American tribes)

New Toes for Tia (it might be too young for your ds)


ETA: The Eastern Hemisphere Core F has a book like the one you described. And the movie I mentioned before does have a book - Torches of Joy. It is in Core F as well.

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Sonlight 5 and MFW ECC is probably too much. I'm not looking to spend a lot of money-just want something simple to introduce countries and cultures, but not have it be our whole year of history. I did look at the book Window on the World just a bit ago-that looks decent.

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