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Basic workbox question


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Can you explain how you use the workbox system? I know there are lots of different ways; I'm just trying to get some ideas.


I've printed out number cards and picture cards. When would you use each? What I mean is, do I put a #1 card AND a spelling card on the first box or just one or the other? I guess I'm not understanding the whole concept of which cards go where. I also printed and laminated a sheet that had 12 squares for the cards. I assume that I fill these and they pull one each time they accomplish that activity?


I know I'll learn a lot more once I get the book - my daughter is giving it to me for my birthday in a couple weeks :), but I am anxious to get started!

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sad to say it is up to you!


the spelling box can have just a 1 on it -- for it to be done first ... or it can have a spelling tag on it and the kids can choose "math or spelling first". I use (i do it limited but want to do more as DS1 gets more Independence) pictures on most of ours.


you can have your kids do them in number order, or let them choose with the understand they have to 4 of them today and the other 3 tomorrow or that they have to all be done today.


I know the 'official workbox system' is more strict -- but i think you have to do vhat actually works for your kids.

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We do ours with a number card and a picture card on them. My DS likes to know what is coming next so having the picture cards gives him a visual schedule of what's to come. He does some of his work pretty independently so when he is done with a box he takes down the picture card and puts up a check mark card. When he is finished all his boxes have check marks on them and he can see that everything was completed.


This way kept us from having another piece to stick the number cards onto like the original workbox system did. I have enough clutter in our school area that I didn't need another thing to keep track of in order to go through our boxes.


My blog in my sig has a quick post about our workboxes.

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We use picture cards with subjects written on them (because the pictures are of Star Wars, Princesses and Toy Story ;) ) The kids complete the boxes in the order that they like and put the cards inside the boxes before returning them to the shelf. It's nice to just glance at the shelf to see who is where in getting their work done for the day.

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Thanks for the replies, I think I'm starting to understand a little better now :)

Maybe I'll have to try a couple of different ways to see which works best for us. I love the idea of workboxes, I'm not sure why it confuses me so :tongue_smilie:


Jen - the pictures on your blog of your workboxes are great! Can I ask where you found the Phinneas number cards? My son would love those! Also, I think I'm going to see if I can find three sets of the stacking bins at Shopko, my daughter gets a discount there :)

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