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Help! My dc keep breaking their cd players!

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grrr.. does anyone else have this problem?


My 4 ds share a room right now and they have gone through 3 cd players! It's really important to me that they are able to listen to stories on tape, because with 6dc under 11, I don't RA to them nearly as much as I'd like to (major guilt!) Soo, I help my guilt by being sure that we have lots of good books on tape to make up for it. The problem is that young children end up breaking their players! Are there any solutions to this?? I keep buying cheap players (us. around $30-$40), but I worry about the message it may send - ie., every time I break something mommy will buy us a new one! BUT, I really, really, want them to be able to listen to good stories.


Any ideas? Or do I just keep buying another cheap player as needed and chock it up to having young dc?



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grrr.. does anyone else have this problem?


My 4 ds share a room right now and they have gone through 3 cd players! It's really important to me that they are able to listen to stories on tape, because with 6dc under 11, I don't RA to them nearly as much as I'd like to (major guilt!) Soo, I help my guilt by being sure that we have lots of good books on tape to make up for it. The problem is that young children end up breaking their players! Are there any solutions to this?? I keep buying cheap players (us. around $30-$40), but I worry about the message it may send - ie., every time I break something mommy will buy us a new one! BUT, I really, really, want them to be able to listen to good stories.


Any ideas? Or do I just keep buying another cheap player as needed and chock it up to having young dc?




I am SO there with you!


This is a constant problem for our family. But I blame it on the cheap, not-so-cheap, construction of these electronics. I don't like paying $30 for "disposable"!! Grrrrrrr.


I have considered investing in quality- perhaps BOSE or the like- but I'm not willing to spend that on something in my kids reach.


I have no advice, I'm just sympathizing with ya'. ;)



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I sympathize with you too!!!


My kids are 10 and 8 and share a room, so we only need 1 CD player. They don't break theirs by being rough/careless with theirs or anything; it actually breaks from being used too much!!!! They listen to a CD each night when they go to bed, not to mention the various CDs they listen to throughout the day. I think the radio has only been turned on this present CD player/radio maybe twice, but the darn player has a mind of its own - sometimes it reads the CD, sometimes it doesn't!!


I too have been hesitant to pay big bucks for one for their room though because I know they will be splitting rooms in the next year or 2, but I hate spending $30 on a "disposable" player too!

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They just don't make the cd players to last. we have gone through 3 in the last 2 years and it isn't my kids.

and the tape players hardly make it through one playing.


on the other hand my dh has 2 stereo systems w/ cd and they still play even though one is 20 years old and the other is 24 years old---no kidding!

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CD players are awful!! We have been through many and my kids aren't particularly hard on things. We tried getting a more expensive one, and it also broke. Now I buy the cheapest one and buy the waruntee. I just assume now that they will break. I also didn't want to go to mp3 players quite yet although, that will probably be the next step for the kids.

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They just don't make the cd players to last. we have gone through 3 in the last 2 years and it isn't my kids.

and the tape players hardly make it through one playing.



Exactly! I, myself, have gone through cheap CD players that simply stop working after a couple of months. The mp3 player is an option, or you can rip your CD's into the computer and play them with your media player. This keeps the kids from scratching up and destroying the CD's also...

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