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Astronomy Recommendations?

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I am looking for an Astronomy textbook for my son. He will take it as a credit or half credit, but the real purpose is to prepare him for the Science OLympiad as this will be one of his events for the next 3 years (he did it at the middle school level, so has a basic knowledge). It needs to be indepth (college level) and preferably have an interlinked website. I will need to be able to assess his progress, so I need tests (with answers) - or at least online quizzes.

I am not expecting anything Christian ... that would be hard to find


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This is the one I *thought* we would use at home:


A Self Teaching Guide Astronomy 5th edition by dinah L. Moche'. pub by John Wiley & Sons. ISBN: 0-471-38353-8


This is the one she *actually* used when she took this course at the local CC:

Astronomy The Solar System and Beyond 4th ed. by Michael A. Seeds. pub by Thomson Brooks/Cole. ISBN: 0-534-42111-3.


She really enjoyed the course at the CC and the textbook was not too "much" when she was a high school junior - AND my friend who we always joke is a "real rocket scientist" (astrophysics) confirmed that Seeds is the "gold standard" for astronomy textbooks. ??

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Thanks ... I will look at both of those. I will probably get him a text books and use the link posted to the online course. Science Olympiad Astronomy is very hard - and very mathematical ... so I will probably get him to focus on the areas that come up most.


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Check out MIT opencourseware!




Has quizzes with solutions!



and lecture courses ohio state




there's more you'll have to check out the links there...


And on ItunesU UC berkeley under physical sciences has astronomy podcasts... 2 different sections I believe..

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Thank you thank you thank you!! The best is how much free stuff is out there! I am going to make a note of all these and he can work thru them over the next 3 years he does the event. I know nothing at all about astronomy ... so he needs good material


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There is a good thread on this if you do a search. It is creation, young-earth based. I also have a book called Astronomy For All Ages by Philip Harrington and Edward Pascuzzi that is very inexpensive and has tons of activities. I don't think it is Christian-based but seems very "neutral" because I can't tell one way or the other. Some additional reading about astronomy (Christian-based) that I like are Astronomy and the Bible, Questions & Answers by Donald DeYoung and Starlight and Time, Solving the Mystery of Distant Starlight in a Young Universe by Russell Humphreys.

We will be doing some astronomy this summer (we have a telescope) and then continuing through the school year (9th grade). My husband is quite knowledgeable on the subject so I will let him do the work.


Laurie in CA

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I have read about Signs and Seasons, but it sounded like it wouldn't be nearly rigorous enough for Science Olympiad - at the high school level it is full of math (I know because my oldest dd ended up being the partner in the astronomy event and had no clue what was going on)



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