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Has anyone dowloaded eGrader??


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I was told that I need to be putting a grade on the papers we put in our portfolio for the school. I'm assuming it's a percent grade....maybe letter grade. :confused: Somewhere I have an EZGrader....but I never used it so by now I have no clue where it is. I found this site, where I can type in the total # of problems and get a chart where you can see the number wrong and get a % grade. But...I really like this, which also gives you a letter grade. Has anyone tried the free trial and then downloaded it? I could just use the first website for free, if I knew what letter grade parameters are. I saw these letter grade parameter on that eGrader demo:


90-100 A

80-89 B

70-79 C

60-69 D

50-59 F


Is this the usual scale? It said you can change the parameters, so I would assume this isn't always the grading scale. I know nothing about this stuff, so it's confusing.


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I'm used to seeing a grading scale that starts with 100-94 as an A. Below 70 was an F. I googled but it looks like there are several variations. If all of your problems are worth the same number of points, can't you just divide with the number of correct problems in the numerator and the total problems in the denominator? After that you just see where the grade falls on your particular grading scale. I can't see buying a program to do that.

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Grading is pretty easy - just figure out how many total points possible, and divide the total correct by the total possible. There's your grade. Not sure why you would need a program for that? :confused:


I use the grading scale you posted, pretty much. That's what I grew up with, although I think 64 and below was an F at my schools... Not sure, as I never got that low. :tongue_smilie:

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