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IT Frustration

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My work email is changing to a new server. Since I am not "attached" to a computer, IT is unable to set up my new account until I call them. It is very important that I make my call before next Wednesday or I will no longer have a work email. I have been attempting to call for two weeks. Each time I would let it ring and no one would answer.


Today I found out from a coworker that their voice mail picks up after the 10th ring. Okay, fine. I let it ring for 10 times. Voice mail picks up on the 11th ring and directs me to ..... send an email detailing my problem.:banghead:

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You have my sympathies. This is where you pull up your corporate directory, find the number for the IT Manager, and call him/her directly. I happen to be in the same city as my IT department, so I visit them in person, but not every remote worker has that luxury. Sometimes you just have to go up a step.....


ETA - if calling the IT Manager doesn't work, call your manager and let them know this is "damaging your productivity"...

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