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curriculum question - AO/WTM

Guest learninmom

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Guest learninmom

Hi everyone,


I have a question...I have seen posts before about Ambleside Online and I am curious if anyone out there is using both AO and WTM? If so, how do you schedule everything in your day?


Also, how many are using the WTM strictly vs. a Charlotte Mason approach?

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I like the idea of using living books. I am also slowly teaching with textbooks. I am trying to prove that it can be done. Every year I have less textbooks than others.


Here what I use with Ambleside:


Lamb's Shakespeare

Trial and Triumph

The poetry

The Hymns

The literature recommendations including reading the KJV of the Bible

Their music, art, and composer schedule



Here what I use from Well Trained Mind

Story of the World

I followed their recommendations on math and when to start Latin.


I have my children narrate almost everything, except poems. They have to memorize those. Songs, they have to sing. I have my children copywork from the pieces that they read each week. Science, my children learn straight from the library books.


Oh! I am cheating on my nature study. We are watching a Discovery Channel series called Birds on Netflix.





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I mostly follow wtm for science, grammar, writing and I use sotw.


I use ambleside for extra reading books in science and history. They have some great resources. I also use ao for picture study, composer study and nature study suggestions.


This year I am using ao year 1 for my first grader, who would find sotw 4 too much.


We do art, music, and nature study all together as a family.

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and their artist/composer study schedule (which I have not been good about following, but am trying to figure out and add in).


And the nature study ideas. And the Charlotte Mason approach in general, especially in these early grammar-stage years (dd is 6). I think establishing good habits is crucial in these early years, and I like using short lessons for developing close attention to detail, etc. (Plus, I need short lessons, because ds3 needs my attention also, LOL.)


I like living books and try to incorporate them as much as possible.


I guess (so far) I use WTM as a plan (4-year history cycle, science cycle, when (and why) to start Latin, etc.), and Charlotte Mason/AO as method. Does that make sense?


Take care,


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I tried to mesh SOTW and AO history together but that was a dismal failure as AO runs on a 5 yr. history cycle. Now I just use AO for the books. We read the literature, geography and science book recommendations. I had also planned on using their Shakespeare suggestions but that hasn't worked out very good either.




mom of 3 (8,7,5)

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