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Sonlight Core D (3) without an IG


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I want to read this Core to my 7 & 9 year olds. I also want my 9yo to read the readers. Can this be done without an IG or does the IG add something crucial?


Should I strive to read these books in a particular order? Any tips on how I could put the books in chronological order without a guide?

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Are you planning on using the Landmark spine? If so, just read the other books set in the time periods you encounter as you read Landmark.


Honestly most of that core you could just read in any order you please and enjoy. The time span is much smaller than say the "ancients" or such.


We just finished it last year and enjoyed it. I had the IG but didn't use it much more than for scheduling honestly.

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Are you planning on using the Landmark spine?


Honestly most of that core you could just read in any order you please and enjoy....



I'm still pondering Landmark AND Story of the USA. At the moment I want to use SL Core D as a supplement. We have loved Sonlight here and my boys miss it. We're trying to rescue a sinking curriculum ship and this may plug the leaks for us :D. HOWEVER, as I look closer at the Core on SL's website I want to use the entire thing....


Can you share your thoughts and/or reviews of Landmark and Story of the USA? :001_smile: The reviews differ wildly.... some give 5 stars, some give zero stars! Sheesh. It sounds like something we'd have to try to know whether or not we'd like it. I also can't find a sample of the text for Landmark. I'd love to read some of it.


Sorry. I have a partial list in chronological order. Pm me and I will email it to you.


I'll do that! That's sweet of you to offer. I don't mind doing it myself. I'm just not sure how to go about figuring out the time periods the read alouds and readers fit in. I'm honestly wondering if it's going to matter that much. I find that my children are awesome at making connections on their own without my forcing it on them. That being said, it's really fun to read books that do relate to the time period studied. So, I'd prefer the chronology to be intact. :001_smile:

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Can you share your thoughts and/or reviews of Landmark and Story of the USA? :001_smile: The reviews differ wildly.... some give 5 stars, some give zero stars! Sheesh. It sounds like something we'd have to try to know whether or not we'd like it. I also can't find a sample of the text for Landmark. I'd love to read some of it.



My 9yo thought it was okay, not as fun as CHOW or SOTW. He tolerated it though. The IG for that core recommends skipping the first 50-75 pages essentially if your DC find it boring. After that the tone changes from some of its dryness to much more people-oriented, and thus more interesting to a lot of children. That also might explain the discrepancies in ratings - if you never made it past the beginning boring part it is zero stars! ;) It is definitely a large step up from the core 2 stuff. Landmark is a big reason I couldn't combine my then K'er with my 3rd grader. My K'er couldn't stand more than a sentence or two of Landmark.


Story of the USA is not tied in well to the core IMHO. It is also not much in the way of giving information. We used it basically as a reading comprehension program, as I had seen others mention. My DS read the material and then attempted to answer the questions. We discussed them after, but the reading was usually only a page or two. My point of doing it was focused on his ability to write an intelligent answer based on the text (i.e., training him essentially for testing or reading comprehension) than using it as a history spine.

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Here's a partial list of the books, in chrono order:


Pedro’s Journal

A Lion to Guard Us


Squanto, Friend of Pilgrims

Courage of Sarah Noble

Matchlock Gun

The Bears on Hemlock Mountain

And then What Happened Paul Revere?

Sign of the Beaver

Johnny Tremain

Meet Thomas Jefferson

The Cabin Faced West

Stone Fox

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We are using Core 4(E) and my girls are loving it so far. I bought a 2001 IG and bought the first ten weeks of books used (and a couple we couldn't find we bought new). My 9 and 10 year old dds love the Story of the World books, but aren't really liking the Landmark book.


I would find a cheap used IG just for the schedule if you can.

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Buying a used cheap IG is a good idea. I do like the IGs for both scheduling and the maps. They also get me to keep going where I otherwise might not.


As far as the Landmark or Story of the USA books go, dd couldn't stand Story but loved Landmark. Ds loves Story and especially loves answering the questions. We haven't started the Landmark book with him yet. If I had to choose one over the other I would go with Landmark in a heartbeat. The information in that book is fantastic. I learned a lot by reading it.

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