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list of good documentaries for biology?

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David Attenborough has made many many docos that are absolutely wonderful. Series topics (not titles, sorry): Mammals, Birds, Reptiles, Oceans, Insects, Plants, and there are about 5 other series. Each series is between 5 and 10 hours long. We have them in our library.


They are wonderful. Really really wonderful.


Ruth in NZ

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David Attenborough has made many many docos that are absolutely wonderful. Series topics (not titles, sorry): Mammals, Birds, Reptiles, Oceans, Insects, Plants, and there are about 5 other series. Each series is between 5 and 10 hours long. We have them in our library.


They are wonderful. Really really wonderful.


This is likely the series Ruth is referring to. Mostly available on Netflix if you subscribe.



We love it too!

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Oh, I just remembered, Michael Pollan has a documentary called "The Botany of Desire" that was very good.


However, you MUST preview it before you decide to show it to your kids. It does have a section about marijuana. I personally didn't find anything worrisome in that section but I am quite sure other people would.


It can be split up into separate viewing sections very easily. It is about human's relationship with 4 plants. Each plant has a distinct section that can be a stand alone viewing. It would be easy to skip the marijuana section if you desired.

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