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Vehicle issues. Why can't something be....less hard?

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As you may remember, we've been down to one vehicle for a long time now. A coworker had a Nissan Pathfinder she was selling, and she kept it for us until we had the cash to buy it. ($1400) We purchased it about 6 weeks ago.


It didn't last a day. :001_huh: Not coworker's fault, I totally know she did NOT intend to sell us a bad car. The clutch was out, and it had sat for nearly 18 months and all the gaskets and stuff had dried. We decided that we'd keep the sale, and the vehicle. She's a single mom, and struggles as much as we do, if not more.


DH brought it to a transmission place. They said $1400. :confused::001_huh: We asked if they'd keep it until we can come up with the money. We did, this last week. We went to pick up the vehicle - $2600! :confused: We were NOT asked about an additional $1200. We did not see estimates. We did not agree to a "whatever it takes" deal. It's not WORTH putting $2600 into this vehicle; we'd be better off getting a different one for $2600.


We don't have $2600 and we don't feel we should have to pay it.


DH did some research. The place has "BBB" signs; but is not a member. They have other signs/affiliations for transmission specialities but they are not members. They have 19 complaints at the local BBB. After tomorrow morning, it will be 20. ;)


DH is asking for the following resolution:


1. We get the truck, fixed, for $1500.

2. We get to take the truck to another shop to confirm the work has been done, compentently.

3. Compensation for gas, and time at the rate of a rental car from the point when we arranged to pick up and pay for the repairs.


Meanwhile, on days he needs the vehicle, he takes me to teaching-work 30 miles away, picks me up to take me to the next work/class - another 30 miles. I carpool with another teacher for the kids, so they get a ride home on Mondays. The rest of the week, we do a convoluted thing trying to accomodate my work(s), school, the kids and his 2 classes.

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