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Hamstring injury?

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I slipped this morning on the plastic insert to my puppies cage. I basically did a split midair before crashing to the ground. :confused:


To make it even worse I was wrapped in a towel.


I lay on the floor for several minutes screaming (uggh) before I could get up. It felt like something ripped at the back of my thigh.


I am limping around and cannot bend down (which is extremely difficult when you need to pick up after your puppy outside).


I looked online and I think its my hamstring. I hate my current doctor and if I call her tomorrow they are going to say they are too busy to see me. I really don't want to go to the emergency room but I am in so much pain I just want someone to tell me I am going to feel better and fast.


I have leftover muscle relaxants from back injuries but if I take 1 (or even half) I am asleep for a minimum of 10 hours and then in a fog for another 24 hours. So instead I walk around and cry.


Any ideas?

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I wouldn't take a muscle relaxer for that. I would take an anti-inflammatory - naproxen (Aleve), ibuprofen (Advil, Motrin). You can take more than the labeling instructions of those, too. The prescribed dose of naproxen I took when I was a teenager with knee issues was 500mg, and the prescribed dose of ibuprofen back in the day was 800-1200mg. (Tylenol is completely different, not anti-inflammatory and can damage liver and kidneys)


Cold is good, to keep the swelling at bay. Later, you would want heat to soothe and help with the actual healing.


Hamstring pulls stink. As bipeds, we really use those guys a lot! You may need to hold the offended leg up to bend until it mends. That way, you're not pulling against it.

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