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What are your fav news sources?

Sherri in MI

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Do you consider any to be more reliable and unbiased than others?


I am really at a loss in this department. I want reliable, factual information. How does one stay informed?


When I am reading commentary or opinion, I want to know that it is commentary & I want to know the background or bias of the author, so I can put their commentary in context.

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Obviously all news comes with the bias of the author - I don't think one ever gets 'just the facts'. I use twitter to hear breaking news - and then read the sources the tweets link to. Usually people I follow have a variety of different sources and reading a few different ones one can pick out the 'facts'.


For a magazine, I love God's World News.

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I use a few things, but I like to recommend the magazine The Week to people. It's a thin, easy to read, all color weekly magazine that does no original reporting. They summarize EVERYTHING - with sections on world news, national news, business, real estate, arts, books, celebrities... They summarize both straight news and opinion (and make it clear which is which). They draw mostly from traditional newspapers and magazines, but also from tabloids, blogs and websites - everything is referenced so you can find the original stories. They don't have a slant except to try and cover as much as possible. It's mostly quick little summaries and items, but they run one "feature" that's an excerpt of a longer, usually interesting article.

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