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Ring of Fire Science...opinions?


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What are your opinions in regards to "Ring of Fire" Earth Science Kits?

I am looking at 2 levels....

Grades 3-6 (I)

Level (II) Middle School/High School.


What is the difference between these? How hands on in nature are they?

I have a middle schooler and a 3rd grader.




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I am interested in these kits too. My only frame of reference is that the woman who ran a homeschooling store raved about how much her children loved them and how they went on this long rock-hound spree because of it.


So I'd be interested in hearing about this program too.

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I'll try to find one of my old catalogs and see if I can pull it for you. I've not been able to find it listed anywhere online lately, as I was looking for it for sixth grade geo. So maybe it's not being made any longer or something. I'll try to find it and post a link to the catalog, at least, if I can't find it online....

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Oh, wow! I thought her name looked familiar - this is the same program, but she's updated and expanded it, I guess!


I had only seen it listed in a hsing catalog called American Home-School Publishing. At that time, it was a year long program for K-6 (kits 1-5). Or those could be used for first semester for grades 7-12 and then portions of kits 6-8 added to make a full year for older kids.


A few years ago, there were some on the boards who had used it and thought it very rigorous. It seems to me that it would be even better now! I was looking at using it for my older son for high school level work, but he ended up doing a dual credit geology course, instead. I have to say that I think he would have gotten just as much out of this course!


One thing that impressed me about the class that my son took, even though it was for non-majors, was how much chemistry gets included in it now. I will check back at the website you listed to see if she has added some of this in for the high school level work, but I think it's certainly great for elementary or middle school work!


Great find!

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Wow, in looking back over it, the price sure has gone up (and I thought it was pricey even before).... I sorta think I'd want to see more content before putting out all that money. And I'm a bit disappointed that the bound books are in b/w only. You don't pay that much less for the CD - and then you do get color but have to shell out the bucks for your own paper (one-sided) and ink cartridges.... And buying the teacher books just to get the answers adds a ton more money to the cost....

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That was precisely my hesitation......:iagree:


I would like to find a good hands-on Geology course for my middle schooler and tag along 3rd grader.....though.




We have used ScienceWorks Geology with great success at that age. YOu can see the whole book online at the Evan-Moor site. We are also using "Rock Origins" by Delta Science (Science in a Nutshell) this year, and the library has plenty of books like Geology Rocks! and Eyewitness Rocks. Just a few ideas.

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That was precisely my hesitation......:iagree:


I would like to find a good hands-on Geology course for my middle schooler and tag along 3rd grader.....though.




Well I am not sure if it helps, but Winter Promise has a program called Rock Around the Earth! for 3rd-6th graders for $139 that uses some of the Ring of Fire materials.


Course that isn't cheap either.





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I agree that Rock Origins and Soil Studies are both good kits to use and we will be using those when we revisit geology, too. I was thinking of checking out the Prentice Hall geology books for that level of work. I feel confident enough, in general, with geo to feel that I would be able to pick up on mistakes in the text and correct those. Otherwise, I don't generally like texts too much for the very reason that they are generally rife with error.


I do agree that I like tons of Evan Moors workbooks, so I will check those out, as well.


Good luck in finding something you want to use,

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