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Dr. Hive--lysine for kids??


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We have issues with sores in the mouth. I KNOW that lysine helps. I take it myself, and for the ones that can swallow a pill, they take it, to. It helps more than anything else. But my 3-year-old busted his lip and I know from past experiences, that it's going to result in a sore if he doesn't get the lysine.


Myself and my ds 14 take 1500 mg of lysine twice a day when we need it (feel a sore coming on). I just finished reading where kids need MORE lysine than adults. :eek:


Right now, all I have is the Super Lysine+ liquid--a horrible, HORRIBLE tasting alcohol extract. And it doesn't say exactly how much lysine is in it. The propietary blend (lysine w/ other herbs) is 300 mg per dose.


I'm giving ds3 one dose of the liquid extract 3-4 times a day. He hates it, but bless his heart, he takes it. I feel so bad for him.:(


Does anyone know of a child's version of lysine? The only kind I can find is the Appeton brand, which comes with lysine in a multivitamin syrup or tablet. The lysine content is only 100 mg/tsp in the syrup, and that's more than the tablets. That might be good for maintenance, but I just don't think that's enough to stop a break-out that's coming.


I have found a lysine powder, but I've tasted uncoated lysine tablets before, and they're horrible tasting. I don't see how the powder would be any more helpful than the liquid extract I've got.


Does anyone know of there is a children's lysine supplement? :confused:

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