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Newbie Afterschooler with a Question


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Good morning! I know that you are using very comprehensive curricula, but I was hoping for some feedback that might apply to aftershooling. Have any of you worked with Rocket Phonics or 100 EZ Lessons, the "Games For" series, Family Math or materials sold by the Critical Thinking Co.? As you can see, I'm all over the place. I'm just getting started, and I was thinking about planning for a different topic each day (math/counting, reading/phonics, writing, etc.). I'm also planning to read to her from SOTW. Realistically, I currently have about one hour each evening (plus time on the weekends) to spend on afterschooling with my DD (turning 5). My DD's attention span is brief and she is wary of sitting down in front of workbook pages, so I hope to keep it fun and somewhat unstructured (at the advice of ladies of this board). We are just getting our feet wet. Any input would be greatly appreciated!



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About all I have used from your list is the Games for series. I wasn't crazy about the reading one; nothing just ever really applied to what we were doing at any time. I love the math and writing books though. There are a lot of fun games. You might try getting them out of the library (most have them) and reviewing them before you buy.


Since she's in school, I'll suggest two fun reading programs I used for both my children (so it doesn't seem like she's really doing school again after school). The first is Simply Phonics and the other is Progressive Phonics. You can google these for more information. I believe both have really good samples you can view to give you an idea. It's been a fun way to teach reading and both my kids are great readers now. SOTW is a lot of fun, especially if you incorporate some of the activities with your reading. Best of luck!

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