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Help on 2 kids in SOTW


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I wonder if anyone can help me decide how to do SOTW this year?


My ds9 (then in 3rd grade) starting homeschooling last year, and we read SOTW I. Now he's ready to move on the SOTW II. However, my dd7 (now in 2nd grade) was in school last year and has just started homeschooling, and has not done SOTW I. I'd like to have them in the same time period, but hate to have her miss Ancients. I'm not sure we could get through a second rotation, since we started late.


It seems that I have three options: 1) Put them on separate tracks 2) Skip Vol I for dd, and move straight into Vol II with both 3) Condense Vol I for dd while reviewing it with ds and then move into Vol II. Not sure how I'd do #3. We like to do some of the extra reading and projects along with the chapters, and this year, I wanted to start a timeline.


Anyone have any suggestions? Thank you!

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When DD here to first grade, ds will be in 4th and on SOTW 4. Dd will do the same and we will all stary ancients again the next year. She will still learn everything, just in a different order. She listened to the Cds with is in the car and at home, she will not be conpletely lost.


You could get the Cds for volume 1 and let her listen to a chapter a week. Play each story multiple times a week and you will be amazed what she picks up. It will just be fun stories....not double history work. If she heats a story she loves, you can get more reading and talk about it.

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I would definitely combine (we do!). It's fun to do all the projects together, and I can ask narration questions based on their ages. Your younger child will catch ancients the next time around. Even SWB says that history is technically optional at the grammar stage.


I totally agree! We combine here as well. It is easier on me and fun for them. I also tailor the narration questions/activity to their individual skill levels.

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My ds did SOTW 1 in 1st g, & I was worried about what to do when dd got to 1st--he'd be in SOTW 3! For us, it worked out, because she listened in from the time she was 3yo & loved the stories. This year, we're starting over w/ the ancients, & by the time they're done, ea kid will have had 3 rounds w/ ea period.


Plus, what if you have more kids? You could really get stuck on an endless cycle of ancients. :D


My advice: combine your kids & do SOTW 2. BUT get SOTW 1 on CD for your dd (ds can listen in if he wants) & let her learn about the ancients simultaneously, but not so much as school as...bedtime stories or something simple like that. :001_smile:

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I never thought of using the CD, which I already have on my IPod anyway! That is a great idea, and both will enjoy listening to them.

I'll add in some art and mapwork from SOTWI as a fun extra, and I think dd7 will be set. I know they will enjoy studying SOTW II together more than being separated.


So glad I asked! Thanks so much!

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